Dave on Design

August 2024 | Kokua
It was amazing to witness “Kokua” in action on Maui – people helping each other without any expectation of personal gain. See what can be accomplished in one year to house residents who lost their homes when that spirit guides the process.

July 2024 | My Favorite House - Part II
So, turns out it is really hard for an architect to choose “one” favorite house. Here Dave shares the story of favorite house number two and how it influences home design today.

June 2024 | My Favorite House
Dave Kosco explains why his favorite home earns that place of honor.

May 2024 | Rebuilding Maui Together
As the one-year anniversary of the devastating fire that ravaged West Maui approaches, the need to shelter remains. With your help, HomeAid is helping to answer the call.

April 2024 | Why Architecture?
Dave Kosco answers the Why Architecture question, explores those that influenced and pushed him and how he is sharing their legacy in mentoring today’s young designers.

March 2024 | The Roots of Simple, Sophisticated Design
The Chicago skyline has much to teach us about the design decisions we make in housing today.

February 2024 | Thinking Smaller
There is room to think smaller - think in new ways — in suburban for sale housing to help put a dent in today’s affordability crisis.

January 2024 | The Power of “What If” Thinking
As today’s challenges for innovative housing solutions grow, site planning and architecture are more dependent on each other than ever.